11.8 Remote (Off-campus) Network Access Policy

Scope of Policy

Remote (off-campus) access to IT services at East Georgia State College is provided via a VPN (virtual private network) secured connection. The VPN provides a secure mechanism for EGSC faculty and staff who need to remotely access EGSC IT resources (i.e. office computer) via an off-campus connection. This policy outlines guidelines relating to utilizing the EGSC remote network access.

Guidelines of Policy

    1. Faculty and staff wishing to utilize the VPN remote access service must first contact the EGSC Information Technology Department so that necessary account configurations may be made. 
    2. Faculty and staff utilizing the remote VPN access must not disclose their VPN account credentials with others (including other faculty and staff).
    3. Instructions for accessing the EGSC VPN are available on the EGSC intranet web site, 3kf5.shushijia.net. For additional information / questions, please contact the EGSC Information Technology department.
    4. When utilizing the VPN access, faculty and staff must adhere to the East Georgia State College Campus Computer and Network Usage Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.
    5. Faculty and staff should refer to the East Georgia State College Information Technology Support Services Policy for additional information regarding the Information Technology Department’s responsibility in providing support for personally owned IT equipment (i.e., PC, PDA, notebook, laptop).
    6. Remote VPN access will be terminated for any EGSC faculty or staff member who has violated the account credentials guideline (Guideline 2) in this policy and/or Guideline 4 in this policy, which relates to the EGSC acceptable network usage policy.